Grass to Native Garden – Day 2

If you are following along, this is day 2 of transforming a grass lawn into a native Southern California garden. Today was about removing soil to get ready for sheet mulching (more on that next week), building the swale contours, and finding a new home for the large sago palm next to the driveway that would scratch the cars and poke you when getting out of the car. And I revised the pathways in the plan to make it more walkable:

This part was probably the most work – I am SO grateful to José and his crew! They filled up the dumpster by removing about 3″ of soil. Then we plotted out the borders for the pathways. I am anticipating large bushy shrubs, and I would like to be able to walk among them, hence the seemingly-too-much space allotment for paths (which will be made of decomposed granite).

Next week we begin the sheet mulching process, which will take 2-3 months of “cooking” the soil with paper, compost, and mulch to create a spongey base for our plants.


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