Being in the PTA

When my now 12-year-old daughter started kindergarten, I wanted to know everything that was going on at her school. So I joined the PTA and went to a couple of meetings. It was so click-ish that I stayed away for a year. But the next year, I could see some changes I wanted to make at the school – like using some of that fundraising money to bring some arts education to the kids.

I was really surprised at the opposition. (“We don’t do things like that here”, “We have to keep our money in savings for a rainy day”, etc.) So I became PTA President. For 2 years. Yikes!

But I was able to get some great programs going (now defunct, as I’ve moved on to middle school), and I learned a lot about the organization that we know as PTA – Parent Teacher Association. It really does consist of a few dedicated people always trying to get parents to help and donate. But usually for really good reasons. I recommend helping – even if it’s just for a few hours. The whole world will benefit.

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